So we are guessing you’re here, reading this, because of your shared love for bartending, drinking, and a deep-seated need to know what’s going on in this community. You asked, we delivered. Right here, we have for you, what can only be considered a complete cheat sheet to the community. We want to help you understand the vivid and wonderfully off-kilter happenings in the bar community. There is so much going on that we would love to share with you.
Imagine a world where you’re constantly up to date with the newest drinks, the wildest cocktails, the most glorious bars, and every sort of experimental recipe you can think of.
Now, a little about Bar Bundle – the only reference you will ever need for everything in the world of bartending. So, what is that we are here to do? Well, everything. We want to be your complete guide on understanding just how much is going on in this community we call home. There are drinks to be tasted, bartenders to meet and bars to be visited – and we want you to come with us.
We create this space because of our love for the industry – the people who engage with it and an insatiable need to discover new ways to contribute to it. We hope you fall in love with the stories we must tell, as well as the bars and the beverages we will be exploring together. We have a deep-seated passion to learn about what is happening in the market and give it the due coverage it deserves.
What we want is to bring to you, a space to engage, question, challenge and cultivate your mind. We want to share something we love with you and hope we can get you to love it back the same way.
So, we guess the only thing left to say is, Welcome to Bar Bundle. Cheers!
Written By – Sneha Mendes.